Hooke s law physics pdf file

The primary purpose of the lab is to study hooke s law and simple harmonic motion by studying the behavior of a mass on a spring. Hookes law in the diagram below is shown a block attached to a spring. Hookes law is used all branches of science and engineering. Hookes law is a principle of physics that states that the force f needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance x is proportional to that distance. Physics and astronomy labshookes law and youngs modulus. There is nothing particularly magical about the shape of a coil spring that makes it. Hookes law, law of elasticity that relates the size of the deformation. Home courses science algebra based physics dynamics. Principles and problems the red book we have in class and i gave to you in pdf chapter 14 section 1.

Check all five boxes on the right hand side applied force, spring. Click on the play button triangle and start the sim. That is, where k is a constant factor characteristic of the spring, its stiffness. However, this method will add an additional step to the experiment. Hookes law this is a wikipedia book, a collection of wikipedia articles that can be easily saved, imported by an external electronic rendering service, and ordered as a printed book. Initial setup start the computer, and start the data studio program. Elastic force acts in the opposite direction of the external force. Obviously then, if you extend it more, you will need to apply a larger force to keep it extended by that amount. Play around with the red slider control for the applied force. Hookes law, law of elasticity discovered by the english scientist robert hooke in 1660, which states that, for relatively small deformations of an object, the displacement or size of the deformation is directly proportional to the deforming force or load. If a force f is applied to an elastic object such as a spring, the object will undergo a change in length. Many materials obey this law as long as the load does not exceed the materials elastic limit. How far must a spring spring constant 35nm be pulled in order to exert a force of 63n. Hookes law lab introduction the objective of the experiment was to investigate rubber bands follow hookes law.

Elasticity problems the following elasticity problems will help you understand elasticity and hookes law. It is also possible to study the effects, if any, that amplitude has on the period of a body experiencing simple harmonic motion. In other words force is proportional to the extension of stretched material. Peckham physics 307 fall 1983 digitized and revised, fall 2005 abstract the spring constant of a screendoor spring was determined both statically, by measuring its elongation when subjected to loading, and dynamically, by measuring the period of a mass hung from one end and set into vertical oscillation.

The spring wire had circular section with a diameter of 0. The elastic properties of matter are involved in many physical phenomena. How far will a spring with rest length 82cm and spring constant 0. Hookes law elastic force occurs in the spring when the spring is being stretchedcompressed or deformed. It is used as a fundamental principle behind manometer, spring scale, balance wheel of the. For instance, the spring is pulled downwards with either no load, f p, or twice f p. Hookes law the software is user friendly, intuitive and it looks good on the screen, with graphics that resemble real laboratory equipment.

Hookes law is a principle of physics that states that the that the force needed to extend or. The red half correspond to positive elongation and pulling force, the blue part to negative elongaton compression and pushing force. In position a the spring is at rest and no external force acts on the block. This experiment will use a spring scale in place of calibrated weights to increase the force on a spring.

The hallway was used to stretch out approximately 100 ft 30 m of string. Robert hooke, english physicist who discovered the law of elasticity, known as hookes law, and who did research in a remarkable variety of fields. If you want to state hookes law in terms of a force that you apply, then the force necessary to keep the spring compressed or extended by a distance x is proportional to x. Commonly, a hookes law experiment is conducted by adding increasing masses to a spring and recording the cumulative stretch elongation of the spring. When an object is acted upon by a force, it can be compressed, stretched or bent. Hookes law determine the initial mass, m 0, by weighing the support table. Hookes law is a principle of physics that states that the that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance is proportional to that distance. This gives only the magnitude of the force of the spring and ignores the direction. The purpose of this lab experiment is to study the behavior of springs in static and dynamic situations. This is a simple lab that can be done in almost any school. Hookes law holds up to a maximum stress called the proportional limit.

In this lab we will verify hooke s law and learn about simple harmonic motion. Hookes law introduction force of a spring robert hooke 16351703 was an english scientist whose research and experiments ranged from astronomy to biology to physics. What is the elastic force a spring will exert if it has k 175nm and is stretched 30cm. Materials for which hookes law is a useful approximation are known as linearelastic or hookean materials. Intuitive physics refers to the cognitive laws of our tacit knowledge of the ordinary. We will determine the spring constant, for an individual spring using both hookes law and the properties of an oscillating spring system. When matter is deformed compressed, twisted, stretched, et cetera and. Hookes law experiment hookes law experiment and analysis. Hookes law states that the force needed to stretch the elastic material is proportional to the extension of the material. In mechanics physics, hookes law is an approximation of the response of elastic i. If when the force is removed, the object returns to its original shape, it is said to be elastic.

Gaurav gupta sir enlightens you with the class 11 physics exam and neet preparation strategy for physics and how to revise crucial topics like mechanical properties of. A spring stretches 5 cm when a load of 20 n is hung on it. Lawrence university physics 151 slu physics hookes law department of physics revised. The primary purpose of the lab is to study hookes law and simple harmonic motion by studying the behavior. By experiment we find that within certain limits the extension is proportional to the forcefkxf forcex extensionk spring constantin this experiment you are going to measure the force applied to a spring as it is stretched using a force meter then plot a graph to find the spring. Hooke s law states that if a force f, is applied to the opposite end of a material holded on, parallel to the length, then in general the material is either compressed or stretched by distance x. Hookes law lab discovery file new jersey center for.

Hookes law in terms of stress and strain is stress strain in terms of the definitions l l y a f the constant of proportionality is called the elastic modulus or youngs modulus. Our mission is to provide a free, worldclass education to anyone, anywhere. Hopefully you recognize that there is a linear relationship between the force and displacement of the spring. Hookes law introduction force of a spring flipping physics.

Measure the position of the end of the spring after the table has been attached. He was the first man to state in general that all matter expands when heated and that air is made. Hookes law lab file new jersey center for teaching and. In position b a force f is used to compress the spring by a length equal to. Hookes law lab report example topics and well written. Hookes law is a principle of physics that states that the. It tries to bring the deformed end of the spring to the original equilibrium position. Hookes law definition of hookes law by merriamwebster. Does this relationship show up elsewhere in physics. In mechanics physics, hooke s law is an approximation of the response of elastic i. In 1678, robert hooke announced the invention of the spring scale and the relationship for elastic materials that is now known as hookes law. Spring constant, displacement from equilibrium position, and restoring force are defined and demonstrated. Hookes law elasticity physics stress mechanics scribd. For help with downloading a wikipedia page as a pdf, see help.

Your goal will be to extract a measure of the stiffness of one particular spring. Physics lab report 2 hookes law and simple harmonic. Because the force is proportional to displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position, a mass attached to the spring will undergo simple harmonic motion. Hookes law and simple harmonic motion rowan university. Part i determine the spring constant via hookes law. Strain is directly proportional to the applied stress provided the medium remains elastic i. The top measurement device is the force sensor and will be connected into.

For me, what makes this software stand out is that it really makes the user think about what they are doing, rather than just blindly pressing buttons. A brief overview of springs, hookes law, and elastic potential energy for algebrabased physics students many materials obey this law of elasticity as long as the load does not exceed the materials elastic limit. Hookes law the law, named after robert hooke, which describes the behaviour of perfectly elastic materials in terms of a straightline relationship between stress and strain in such materials. The top part is a plot of the linear relation between force f and elongation x according to hookes law solid line. The motion of the spring will be compared to motion of a pendulum. Applications of a recurring principle article pdf available in ajp advances in physiology education 334. Review of the topics of work, energy, power and hookes law covered in the ap physics 1 curriculum. Hookes law fall 2019 introduction slu web file manager. The spring force must oppose the force due to gravity on the camera of m g 1 k g. When a force is applied to a spring it gets longer, the longer it gets the more force you have to apply. The relationship of this can be best explained through the equation. Check all five boxes on the right hand side applied force, spring force, displacement, equilibrium, values. A new hookes law experiment article pdf available in the physics teacher 401. Hookes law is a law of physics that states that the force f needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance x scales linearly with respect to that distancethat is, where k is a constant factor characteristic of the spring i.